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GlowFlex PolyPosters™

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Outdoor advertising is a unique medium that communicates to an audience on the go -- usually in transit, and always away from home. The expansion of our outdoor advertising products reflects the worldwide social and economic changes over the past 40+ years -- dual income families, multiple car ownership, suburban residency and the increased need to commute for work and shopping. Billboard structures are widely distributed throughout markets on primary and secondary arterials.

Side-by-side comparisons of our GlowFlex™ & DigiGlowFlex PolyPosters™ posters with "digital only" printed signs show that, by far, ours are in an excellent position to capture the attention of this mobile audience again and again.

Our GlowFlex Polyethylene Signs are printed on 3.4 oz /sq. yd scrim reinforced material.

We can print or adapt your existing design, or custom design an outdoor ad for you (no additional charge).

Some photos of our GlowFlex Signs

Mesa, AZ
©2010 Design Dynamics, Inc.

Colorado Springs, CO
©2010 Design Dynamics, Inc.
©2010 Design Dynamics, Inc.
©2010 Design Dynamics, Inc.
©2010 Design Dynamics, Inc.
©2010 Design Dynamics, Inc.

©2010 Design Dynamics, Inc.

Ogden, UT
©2010 Design Dynamics, Inc. 15003

Outfront Media - Flint, MI

DigiGlowFlex™ - Cincinnati, OH

©2013 Design Dynamics, Inc. 15003

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Pittsburgh Poster
2920 Duss Ave., Ambridge, PA USA 15003-0055
Toll Free: 1-866-809-4731
Phone: 1-724-266-4826 Fax: 1-724-266-3188

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